Many people strive to be perfect in their job or business. This is their first mistake. When people strive to be perfect, they will always fail. This is because there is no such thing as perfect. There are four rules you strive to succeed.
- Perfect is an Illusion
- Don’t compare yourself to others
- Always look for ways to improve yourself
- Believe in Yourself.
Perfect is an Illusion
Who is the judge to say something is perfect? Perfect is very subjective. It is based on individual feelings, taste, and opinions. What one person views as perfect, may not be what another person views as perfect. If we are striving to be perfect, we will always let ourselves down. This is because perfect is and always will be an unattainable goal.
There is never anything that is perfect, if it was perfect, then it would never change. There are things that you could describe as excellent but there will always be ways to improve them. People are always going to have their own opinion. It is what makes us who we are.
Life is the same way. Nobody can be perfect. There is always something that you can improve on. It all depends on your point of view. What is important, is that you are confident in what you do and that you believe in yourself. If you believe that you have done everything that you know you can to make it the best, then it will be good enough.
If we wait for things to be “Perfect,” we are failing ourselves. This idealism of perfect will hold us back from what we want to do. If we are waiting for it to be “Perfect,” then it will never be done. You will never be happy. The idealism of Perfect is a barrier to our happiness.
When I started writing, it took me while to overcome this idea of being perfect. I wanted the perfect article, I kept looking at ways to make my website perfect. The fear of not being perfect had held me back from doing what I wanted to do. By setting aside the idea of perfectionism, I was able to start writing and start working on my website.
Do not strive to be perfect, strive to be excellent.
Do NOT compare Yourself to Others
The worst critique for anybody is us. We as humans tend to look at others and comparing yourself to them. Do not get me wrong, you do want to look to others to see new ideas, new ways to do things, or better ways to improve yourself. What you do not want to do, is look at others and compare yourself to them. This is a sure-fire way to drop your self-confidence.
This is a trap that many of us fall into. We look at others and compare what they have and what they have done to what we have or what we are trying to do. This is not productive, and this is not healthy. Most of the time when we compare ourselves to others, we end up comparing their strengths to our own weaknesses. What we do not see is how much experience or handwork they have put into something.
You may look at others and say this looks so easy for them. Ease comes with years of hard work, experience, successes as well as failures, perseverance, and patience. The more you work at something, the easier it will become. If you want what you are doing to be easy for you, stick with what your doing, keep working towards your goal. The more you work at it, the easier it will become. Before long, it will become a habit. Once something becomes a habit it becomes easier because they have done it many times. When you see somebody do something and you want to say how easy it is for them, instead ask yourself. I wonder how much hard work and experience they have to make that look easy.
When I started writing, I knew what I wanted to write and get across to my audience but getting from the ideas being in my head to paper was hard. I hated writing. I did not know the right words to use to effectively get across what I had in mind. After I put it on paper, it would not sound the way I had in my head, so I would spend hours writing and rewriting what I had put down. I also fell into the trap of comparing myself to others. When I would read an article, I would tell myself that they put that down in just the right way. I wish it were that easy for me. First, I do not know how much time they spent on the article. I do not know how much experience they have. All I know is that it was taking me a long time to get one article written. But I do know that the more time I spent writing, the easier the process became for me.
Always look for ways to improve yourself
The thing about successful people, is that they are always looking for ways to improve themselves. They are looking for ways to improve their company, improve their product, improve their writing, and even improve themselves. What you do not want to do is become complacent in what you are doing. When you become complacent, you will never reach your goal of success.
The world is constantly changing. There are always new ways to do things. What seems to work the best one year, may not work the best the next year. If you stop looking for ways to improve yourself, the world will continue changing and you will be left behind. If you have an excellent business one year, you need to always looks for ways to keep improving your business. What new strategies could your use? What new technology is coming out that your business can implement? If you don’t keep improving and keeping up with new technologies, your business will not stay excellent for long. The experts in their fields are the ones that are always looking for ways to improve themselves. They know they do not know everything and that there are always ways to improve themselves.
To become a successful writer, I had to know what was succeeding and what was not succeeding. To do this I would read both successful and not so successful blogs. I would take a look at what was working for the successful blogs and what was not working for the least successful blogs. What were they doing to get traffic to their site? How were they setting up their sites that are easy and friendly to use? I would use these to help improve my site. I was not comparing their success to mine. Instead I was looking at what made their sites successful so I could incorporate some of those ideas to make my site successful.
Believe in yourself
The most important thing to becoming successful is to believe in yourself. If you do not believe in yourself, how are others going to believe in you. If you are doing what you know is your best. Believe in yourself. Do not doubt everything you do. If you do not believe in yourself, how will others believe in what you say. You will have no authority.
One of the biggest differences between successful people and unsuccessful people is not their intelligence or their opportunity. It is their belief that they can make their goal happen.
Nothing will work if you do not believe in it yourself. Because if you don’t believe in it, you are not going to give it your best attempt.
So put yourself out their and believe in what you are trying to do. Know that there will be some failure along the way. That failure is not an indication that you failed. It is learning what does and does not work for you. When you believe in yourself, you will take that failure as a learning experience to help you grow and to help you become more successful.
Become Excellent in what you Do
Perfect is an Illusion. Don’t strive to be perfect, strive to be excellent. Second, stop comparing yourself to others. When you compare yourself to others, you will always fall short. Instead, look at how you have improved and how you have become better. Next, look for ways to improve. Know that you are not “perfect.” There are always things that you can change and improve. What can you do to improve on what you have? And fineally and most importantly is to believe in yourself. Know that if you put in time and effort into what you’re doing, whether it is teaching or writing or drawing, you can become excellent in what you do.